Welcome to Charity Baptist Church

Prince George, Virginia!

"Exalting the Savior

Equipping the Saints;

Evangelizing the Sinner

Former and Current Military Servicemembers & Military Family Ministry

  • Former and current military servicemembers along with family members are always welcome at our church. We look forward to ministering to you and to offering you a place to both worship and serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, during your assignment to Fort Gregg-Adams or other installations in our area.     
  • Our church family includes several veterans of peacetime - and wartime - service in various branches of our armed forces.  As a result, we appreciate and understand the impact that serving in our nation's military has on service-members and their families.   
  •  Whether you are a veteran, in the area on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, or on Temporary Duty (TDY) orders, we would enjoy having you with us.  
  •  We look forward to seeing you soon!  

At Charity You Can...

Enjoy Applicable Life Messages

Establish life-long friendships

Grow Spiritually

Enjoy Uplifting Music

No Suit? No Dress? No Problem!

You will find a very friendly and casual atmosphere at Charity!

Service Times:


9:45 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Morning Service

6:00 PM Evening Service


6:30 PM Fellowship

7:15 PM Prayer Meeting

Where We are Located